Lesson 8 Component 言(讠) word

Lesson 8 Component 言(讠) word

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言(讠) word (言字旁 yánzìpáng)


COINAGEPictograph, a tongue at the top of which is added a short stroke.





MOTIVATIONIn the Oracle Inscriptions and Bronze Inscriptions, the character 言 looks like a tongue at the top of which is added a short stroke, signalling that a man is waving his tongue, i.e. speaking. Therefore the primary meaning of 言 is "to speak", e. g. 直言不讳(to call a spade a spade), from which has derived its use for what is talked or writ ten about, e. g. 言简意赅 (of speech or article) concise and comprehensive).

"In a multitude of words," the Chinese saying goes "there will certainly be a mistake." This is evident from the character for words itself: 言. Originally written 言, it represented a mouth 口 from which issued a mistake . Apparently, to correct this error,, man changed 言 to 言. So today, with great care, his mouth 口 speaks its lines ,transforming soundwaves into words: 言.

In most cases this Component appears in the left part of a character; in some rare instances, it appears in the middle as in 辩(biàn, argue). 讠is derived from言(yán, speech)and the characters with讠are usually related to speech.

【例字 Examples】

讲(講)[jiǎng] explain; discuss; talk


诉(訴)[sù] accuse; sue; inform; narrate


话(話)[huà] speech, talk, language; dialect



说 课 谈 议 记 谢 认 语 请 论 识 设 诗 该 谊 谁 谜

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