In the 《易传》(Yizhuan) it is said: “The wise man of a later generation made by writing the 《易经》(Yijing), a break-1 through.” Here “Wise man” refers again to 仓颉[CangJie], “made by writing records the 《易经》(Yijing)”. The so-called “Records” refer to characters, that were carved into the wood using a dagger. The 《易经》(Yijing) are the “Eight Trigrams” invented by 伏羲[FuXi]. The 《易经》(Yijing) uses the principle of Yin and Yang, that applies to all the living things in the earth.
Where do the eight trigrams come from?
The introductory song in 《封神榜》(Feng Shen Bang), a classical novel about Chinese gods and heroes goes: “Once upon a time Pan Gu(mythological creator of the universe) divided the primal chaos into the Supreme Ultimate; the Supreme Ultimate gave birth to the two polarities, the wording of the two polarities is Yin and Yang, which is heaven and earth; Yin and Yang gave birth to the “四象(Si Xiang)” , “Si Xiang” is said to be the four seasons, the astrology of heaven, the appearance of every animal. “Si Xiang” gives the people an inspiration for the wisdom of heaven and refers to the meaning of the heavenly word-symbols. And so by observing the transformation of heavenly phenomena arrange the things of the world. 神农[ShenNong] told the people to build nests on the trees to live in, so they wouldn't get killed by the beasts. 燧人氏[SuiRenShi] used wood to make fire and taught the people how to cook fresh food. Even before Fuxi drew the trigrams Yin and Yang.”
The quote “before Fuxi drew the trigrams Yin and Yang” talks about something that happened around 7000 years ago. While wandering on earth Fuxi rived at the side of the Yellow River in Luoyang, the MengJin county of HeNan province. Suddenly, he saw a five-colored splendor (the Qi) in the river - very dazzling, so he couldn’t look at it from close. Then he saw smog, dense and think, like cotton, which reflected in the splendor in the river. In a twinkling it was filling up heaven and earth, covering up the blue sky. Immediately after, the sound of wind erupted, the wind whistled, turbulent waves rioted in the river. Then a supernatural being with the head of a dragon and a body of a horse was leaping out of the water, prostrating in front of FuXi. But he just saw the picture, that the dragon-horse-being carried: a sun-like endocentric figure turning right around, as well as exocentric figure turning left around. Together with the world the composition turned into the five directions (north, south, east, west, center), together with Yin and Yang it transformed into the five elements and combined with number 55, it became the image of the five planets. FuXi said: 河图(The Yellow River Map).
After finding this rare treasure, he let people record the incident. The dragon-horse turned around, dove into the river and was gone. In a split of a second, the wind stopped blowing, the clouds moved away and the sky was a blue-green expanse. This is how the incident of the dragon-horse bringing the “Yellow river Map” is narrated in the historical records. Today there is still dragon-horse carrying the map temple in the county of MengJin in the old village LeiHe. This place is the “Dao” for the Yellow river; and the two villages named by the incident, “Upper Yellow River Map” and “Lower Yellow River Map”, are still existing. In Huaiyang county is the tomb of FuXi, which until today attracts endless streams of pilgrims.
From the current knowledge point, characters were created by the intellectual class in ancient China. Because they were the possessors of knowledge at that time, More and more studies show that they are differentiated from witches. FuXi is just a representative figure among them.